This is a helpful information regarding DepEd Order 001, Revised Policy Guidelines on Homeschool Program. More details of the DepEd Order series of 001 here: DO s2022 001.
What are the changes?
How will affect Homeschool Providers?
How will this affect homeschooling families residing abroad?

Thank you Teacher Laksmi Maluya, Former HAPI President, for the summary.
“Homeschooling” definition:
It is a parent-led approach to educating one’s child; remember, the key is “Parent,” with this modality. Parental involvement is what makes it “Homeschooling,” in the absence of a parent, a guardian can take a parent’s role.
These regulations and guidelines came about because of the sudden rise of SCHOOLS (both public and private) and HOMESCHOOL PROVIDERS offering homeschooling programs without the proper knowledge and or experience, more importantly, without the necessary permits and recognition due to the pandemic.
Changes in the D.O. 001 from D.O s2019 021.
1. Concerning Homeschool Providers:
The term “Homeschool Provider” has been taken out of the guidelines (unlike in the DepEd Order series of 021 2019 where Homeschool Provider was indicated in Annex 3 item #11) because homeschool providers, are not considered as schools which are under the jurisdiction of the DepEd.
To clarify, DepEd set the definition of, homeschool providers as a “service provider who assists, helps, guides, and gives support and community to families who wish to homeschool their children that are enrolled with their DepEd recognized school or international school partners. “
Homeschool providers may have several school partners (local and abroad), to better serve homeschool families. They do NOT need to get DepEd accreditation, recognition or permit to offer homeschool because all these permits/documents must be secured by their partner school (local or abroad).
2. Concerning Filipinos residing abroad who homeschool
“Only Filipinos residing in the Philippines may avail of the homeschool program offered by Deped (public or private)”
Families abroad DO NOT PANIC. There are other ways for you to continue homeschooling. Contact your schools or homeschool providers for more details and information – of course, I highly recommend you contact our HAPI members.
If you are doing it independently abroad, there is no need to worry too; only those who are with DepEd schools will be affected by this.
Additional information that might be significant for a school, homeschool support service provider or homeschool family.
1. A school (private or public) may offer homeschool through DepEd’s Alternative Delivery Mode ADM under formal education provided they apply for the permit to “Offer Homeschool.”
- A private school must be DepEd recognized to apply for ADM’s permit to “Offer Homeschool.” Schools that have NOT been given recognition and who are in the “Permit to Operate Stage” may NOT yet apply for a permit to “Offer Homeschool.”
- A private school may partner with a Homeschool Provider or vice versa. Especially if the school has no experience or knowledge about homeschooling and would like to offer it as their added service. This way, homeschool families will be properly assisted and guided with their homeschool journey.
2. A homeschool support service provider is a group, community, or business that offers services and products that homeschool families may need in their journey and is NOT necessarily partnered with a school. Example: Offers tutorial classes, extra-curricular activities, curriculum, and materials.
- A Homeschool Provider may also be a Homeschool Support Service Provider offering materials and services to those outside their enrolled homeschool families.
- A homeschool family may enroll with a homeschool provider and avail of services and materials from other Homeschool Support Service Provider.
3. Public schools will offer Homeschooling; although this is true, not all public schools will be able to offer the homeschooling program nationwide. Homeschooling will be only offered:
- In areas that are needed
- If a Homeschool Coordinator is available.
If a family wishes to homeschool, whether directly from a private or public school or a homeschool provider, just check what I mentioned above.
Additional information you may be worried about or just need an update on.
Independent Homeschool Families
There is no need to worry Independent Homeschool family (not enrolled with any school or homeschool providers). You may still embrace your chosen journey as is.
Although the type of homeschooling setup you are doing is not mentioned in the D.O. s001., you may continue to homeschool as long as you understand and take full responsibility to do what needs to be done when your child needs to re-enter the system because your child is considered an Out-of-School-Youth or OSY. The re-entry route is through Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT). PEPT is only up to Grade 10. Your child needs to take Senior Highschool from a school or homeschool provider.
Enrolled with the US or International Homeschool Program
Make sure they can provide you with transcripts of records (your child can be accepted in DepEd schools through foreign documents) because if there are no available records, your child may have to take the PEPT or Philippine Validating Test PVT.
Homeschooling offers so much that no one can put it in the box.
Remember, “There is no one way to do homeschooling; the only best way is the one that works for you and your family.” – TPL
No matter how our government changes the guidelines and regulations on homeschooling, we, the homeschooling families, should continue to adapt – adjust – thrive.
We were able to do it while no one supported and understood us, so now that we are heard, homeschooling can be achieved if we really find it to be our calling as parents.
Only Filipinos residing in the Philippines may avail of the homeschool program offered by Deped (public or private)
Can you plase expound this part. My situation is that my family will move to other country and I have a 6 yr old kid and would like to be enrolled in Private school here in the PH. Can we avail of this home school program offered by that school?
What do you mean by “theres other way of continuing homeschooling”?
Thank you in advance.