Organ Attack is a card game developed by The Awkard Yeti. The objective of Organ Attack is to remove your opponents’ organs before they remove yours. The last person to still have at least one organ is the winner! It’s a very simple game to play. It is a fun game but it is also a Science Class in disguise!
Part of our Grade 2 Homeschool Science curriculum is learning the different parts of each of the sense organs. We are using Organ Attack to extend our Science lessons to learn some of the major organs in the body as well. The Organ Attack features different body organs and the players would use Attacks Cards to afflict the organ. Once the organ has two afflictions, the organ is removed.

The game provides a good introduction about the different body organs. There are 24 organs featured in the standard pack including the popular ones like the eyes, tongue, brain, heart and stomach. At the same time, some of the unpopular organs, but equally essential, are also included like spleen, pancreas, thyroid and more. Organ Attack has an expansion pack, but we did not open it yet to keep the game time at minimum.
DADDY TIP: Start your review on the body organs. You will need it once your child asks questions. Don’t worry, nothing about the reproductive system was included in Organ Attack. But there is an Attack Card called Love which was a bit hard to explain.
Gab is curious where these organs are located. He knows where the eyes, tongue, brain and heart can be found in the body. But when we started playing Organ Attack, it was his first time to hear about other less popular organs like spleen, pancreas, and thyroid.

After playing it several times, Gab now knows a lot of body organs, its location in the body, its basic functions, and even some diseases related to that organ. Gab loves calling out the attack cards. I can’t even say the word hepatosplenomegaly without twisting my tongue. Gab seems to say it naturally like he is a doctor (which is my ultimate plan actually… insert evil laugh here.)
DADDY TIP: Upon showing the Organ Attack cards to your child, don’t play with it yet. Let the child scan and have a look at each card first. The more familiar the child is with the cards, the more the game becomes interesting and easier to play. Otherwise, there will be too many questions about the cards and the organs during the actual game. You’ve been warned. 😀
Playing Organ Attack is now a Science Class in disguise. We are now adding more discussions about each organ using resources from the internet. For example, we are now learning about the 4 main lobes in the brain. Next will be the digestive system and probably the heart. The possibilities are up to you and the child. Just don’t forget to still have fun while learning the additional topics related to the game.

Organ Attack is available at the Gaming Library for 1,650 PHP. It is also available with some online sellers and at
I really recommend this game with your kids. It’s playing and learning all at the same time. The game is recommend for ages 8 years and older. It is a fast paced game. One game can be finished in about 10 minutes or even less, thus it doesn’t get boring.
If there is one thing I don’t like about playing Organ Attack, it’s Gab always trying to remove all my organs first even if there are other players around. It feels like his ultimate goal is to destroy his own father!
Overall, Organ Attack is a great card game and as a science lesson. We have played with it several times and it doesn’t get old. The duration of the game play is just right. It’s not to fast, nor too long. We recommend it for family with kids who likes learning about the human body.