How to Properly Display the Philippine Flag

The Philippine Flag has a unique feature. It is the only flag that is displayed differently in times of peace and war. But this feature causes confusion on how to display the Philippine flag properly. Is the blue on top or at the bottom? Should the blue be on the left or on the right? Should it be on the left side or right side of the stage?

The guidelines on how to display the Philippine Flag are enumerated in the Republic Act (RA) No. 8491 or the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines. Here is a summary of the guidelines.

1. If flown from a flagpole (horizontal), the Philippine Flag shall have its blue field on top in time of peace and red field on top in time of war.

2. If the Philippine Flag is displayed in a hanging position (vertical), the blue field shall be to the right (left of the observer) in time of peace, and the red field to the right (left of the observer) in time of war.

3 . When displayed vertically, the sun and stars should be on top.

4. If on a stage or platform or government office, the flag shall be at the left (facing the stage) or the left of the office upon entering.

5. If the flag is displayed indoors on a flagpole, it shall be placed at the left of the observer as one enters the room.

6. The Philippine flag may be displayed hanging in a vertical position across the street:
• the blue field pointing east, if the road is heading south or north; and
• the blue field pointing north, if the road is heading east or west.

Other guidelines in the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines include how to displaying the Philippine flag with other flags, when to raise and lower, how to dispose and others. You can read the Deped Order for Proper Display of the Philippine Flag for more details.

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