Category: News
Diner Owner Shouts at a Crying 2-Year Old to Shut Up

I haven’t heard this happening in the Philippines but there are plenty of stories in the US about young children’s behavior in public places. An…
What is Your Parenting Style?

Are you authoritative or permissive parent? Are you a free-range or a helicopter parent? Do you practice sharenting? Do you practice slow parenting? In college, I…
DepEd Earthquake Readiness Questionnaire

The DepEd Earthquake Readiness Questionnaire aims to promote family preparedness for earthquakes as outlined in the DepEd Order 27, series of 2015 through school activities. This is in connection…
Deped Age Requirement for Kindergarten and Grade 1

DepEd Order No. 1, s. 2015, states that the age requirement for kindergarten is 5 years old and age requirement for Grade 1 is six…
Things I Learned from the Inside Out Movie

It’s been a while since Pixar made a really good movie. Their latest ones like Cars 2 and Planes were just sequels that was created to…