Classical homeschooling is an approach that is based off of three-part process aimed at training your child’s mind. The classical education approach has the overall goal of teaching children to think for themselves. The three-part process, and main stages of learning: Grammar (concrete learning), Logic (critical learning), and Rhetoric (abstract learning).
I first knew about classical education because of the book The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise.
Classing Homeschooling in the Philippines is not a popular approach yet but soon, for sure will be a growing community.

Homeschool Global Touch – Classical
Homeschool Global now offers the Touch – Classical program. It will have Classical Christian curriculum with comprehensive support and guidance through weekly community classes.
In partnership with Classical Conversations Philippines, the Touch – Classical program brings together “Classical, Christian, and Community” to mold your children into lifelong learners with holistically curious minds and love delving deep into concepts and ideas, for the ultimate purpose of knowing God and making God known. Open to preschool to Grade 6, ages 4 to 11, this program uses the Foundations Curriculum, which outlines a comprehensive core of grammar for history, science, English, Latin, geography, and math. Weekly community meetings with your Advisor and fellow Touch – Classical families feature classes that your learners will surely love.
Grade Levels Offered: Kinder to Grade 6
Enrollment Cycles: September (PH)
Accreditation: Kinder to Grade 6 (PH)
Program Fee: Php 35,000 annually