This weeks’ highlights are our homeschool typing class, more chemistry questions and the long overdue DIY haircut.
1. Typing Class. Then and Now. I remember my typing class in school. It was in a room full of manual typewriters. Tap. Tap. Tap. Click. Ding! And when our teacher say “Stop Typing!” he expects us to stop right away. But it turns into a game for some of us on who will be brave enough to make the last sound of the keyboard.
Gab has a better typing class for homeschool. It’s fun and noisy. We are using an iPad mini, a typing app for the lessons and a Bluetooth keyboard to practice touch typing. Typing lessons just got better.

2. Our Chemical Romance. Gab is throwing one tough question after another. Why is Technetium radioactive when it’s atomic number is so small? Why is Chemical 118 a noble gas when it is also a non-metal? Why do they still discover new elements when they are possibly radioactive already?
I had to scramble looking for answers in Google. The answers were enlightening. Some are simple to explain to a 9-year-old but others will create new questions on its own. I am having fun though. It helps me reminisce my love for science. I’m glad Gab is enjoying it too.
3. Quarantine Haircut. Gab finally had a haircut. He never left our condo unit since the lockdown last March. The haircut was long overdue. He had no choice but let me cut his hair. He doesn’t like the electric razor but he has no choice on that one too. I bought a razor online, looked for a few pictures online, and did my best. At least his ears were not harmed, so I can say it was a success.
To make things equal, I let Gab cut my hair also.