Roman numerals are the numbers that were used in ancient Rome. It uses combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet. While it is an old system, Roman Numerals are still being used today. You can see them in clocks, buildings, and even in names.
The Roman numeral system uses only seven symbols:
I represents the number 1
V represents the number 5
X represents the number 10
L represents the number 50
C represents the number 100
D represents the number 500
M represents the number 1,000
Below are Roman Numerals worksheets with addition. These only use the Roman Numerals I, V and X.
To check your answers, visit the Rapidtables website. It will convert the Roman Numerals to the Decimal Number System and vice versa.
You can also download the Roman Numeral Matching Card Activity here. You can print these cards for practice.