A Guide to Common Homeschooling Terms

Here’s a guide to common homeschooling terms. Whether you are new to homeschooling or considering to homeschool your child, here are some terms you should be familiar with as they might help on your journey.

A Guide to Common Homeschooling Terms


This is also called Homeschooling, Home Based Learning, Home Education, Home Learning, or Home Study.

It is an alternative learning method in which the parents are the primary teachers and the home is the primary learning environment. There are many different methods or styles. It is considered legal in the Philippines and is now recognized by the Depeartment of Education (DepEd).


Curriculum is the materials used for a course. It can include text books,  teaching manuals,  grading guidelines, lesson plans, tests, and worksheets.


Accreditation for homeschooling is important when you want to track the level of your child and when your child enrolls in a regular school or college in the Philippines. The accomplishments are officially credited when you have documents, such us but not limited to transcript of records, in compliance with Department of Education (DepEd) requirements.

Homeschool Provider

A provider is an organization that keeps and provides records or transcripts to its students. This is commonly in compliance with accreditation requirements (of DepEd, in our case in the Philippines). These documents are needed for a smooth transition into the conventional school system when they need to.

See: List of DepEd Accredited Homeschool Providers

Independent Homeschoolers

Independent homeschoolers are those who choose not to enroll to a homeschool provider (one based in the Philippines), or be affiliated with a local school and accredited by DepEd. Some are connected with foreign homeschool providers, usually based in the U.S.

Most of the time they use DepEd’s guide for the things the children needs to learn. Some make their own curriculum based on the interest of their children.

They manage and keep the records, if any, of their kids. When they decide to enter traditional school in the Philippines, they may take assessments offer by DepEd.

Interest-Led Learning

This is a teaching method where students study topics that interest them. They do not follow a pre-defined curriculum. Sometimes, this is also refered to as unschooling.

Eclectic Method of Homeschooling

This refers to those following a (flexible) curriculum, uses a variety of resources to learn based on interests, needs, and abilities. Text books are used for math, and travel of field trip to cover sciences.

Eclectic homeschoolers are flexible in their approach to homeschooling combing all kinds of materials and resources which works best for the child.


Not so popular in the country yet. In carschooling, families learn about different subjects while in a car, while traveling on the road. They mostly use audio cds and audio books.

Learning Styles

Learning style is the way the child best understand and process information.

This includes Auditory (learning through listening and speaking), Visual (learning through seeing) and Kinesthetic/Tactile (learning through touch and movement). Every student learns differently so knowing what learning styles your child has can help you choose books to use and activities to do.

Unit Study

This is an educational approach in which learning is focused around a common theme and covers many subjects. For instance, a unit study on bridges would teach the development and use of early bridges (history), locations of famous bridges (geography), different types of bridges (science), and so on. Unit study is recommended for multi-level students as they allow children of different ages to study the same unit together but in different levels of detail.


A manipulative is hands-on educational tool used to better understand a concept. (Math) manipulatives include pattern blocks,  dice, counters, and more. The use of these manipulatives make learning math more tangible and fun.

Supplemental Resources

These refer to educational materials, classes, field trips, and projects that are used to enhance the learning experience of the child.


This is a collection of organized materials, mostly highlights, from your child’s lessons in a given quarter or year. It may include samples from each subject, photos of projects, field trips, writing samples and art works. It can be online or filed on ring binders. This is done by the kids (with the help of parents for younger ones) from the beginning of the school year.

Homeschool Support Group

Also known as a Homeschool Group, this refers to a group of homeschooling families, whether online or offline, who come together to share information, resources, encouragement, and social activities for the children.

Homeschool Support Group

Homeschoolers of the Philippines | Homeschooling the Early Years | Gopala’s Smile

The Filipino Homeschooler / Homeschooling Families of Makati

This may also refer to a co-op (cooperative), a group of like-minded parents who work together to provide on-going classes or educational experiences for their children.


This is always an interesting topic in homeschooling. It is not an issue with homeschool kids as they can interact with and develop friendships with other children with the activities in and out of the home. It is believed that they have healthier social development as they learn to relate to younger kids, older kids, parents and adults, instead of just within their age group.

HAPI (Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands)

HAPI is a non-stock, non-profit organization that aims to equip homeschooling groups and organizations in growing the national homeschooling movement. Since its launch in 2010, HAPI has been instrumental to help new and veteran homeschoolers all over the country.

Any homeschooling terms you have in mind? Please let us know so we can add and update this list.

3 thoughts on “A Guide to Common Homeschooling Terms

  1. Thank you so much for putting these terms altogether. its very helpful especially for newbies in homeschooling?

  2. I have difficulty sending my son to a regular school. I see that he is still not ready however he is already 5years old. Is it possible to enroll him in a homeschool this late already? I am new into this idea, can you help me thru.

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