Category: Bible
Bible Infographics for Kids

The Bible Infographics for Kids makes Bible facts and stories more entertaining for kids, and even adults. It features colorful illustrations and pages to convey…
Fun Activity for Learning The Books of the Bible : Make an Accordion

There are many fun ways to learn about the Books of the Bible. It doesn’t have to be boring! It can be in the form of…
The Ten Commandments Tracing Sheet

Jesus said, If we love Him, we should keep His commandments! Here’s a FREE Tracing Sheet you can use to make kids learn it and…
NIV Adventure Bible for Kids

We wrote about Our Favorite Bible for Kids when we got Gab his Bible: NIrV Kids’s Quest Study Bible by Zondervan. The NIV Adventure Bible…
FREE Character Education Curriculum

Here are links to resources that offer free homeschool character education curriculum. Some links are free online homeschool resources. Some offer free character education worksheets…
Learn to Sing and Sign Jesus Loves Me

“Jesus Loves Me” is a popular Christian hymns around the world, especially among children. The hymn was first written by Anna B. Warner as a…
Easy Way to Memorize the Ten Commandments

There’s an easy way to memorize the 10 commandments by heart and by hand! Gab’s friend, Joie will teach you how! Watch Dear Joie’s video…
Our Favorite Bible for Kids

The first Bible I read is the King James Version (KJV). I could still memorize a few verses but for personal study I have a…
The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers Book Review

Reading is part of Gab’s bedtime routine. We would read aloud together every night and we’re happy to find a book that we can read…